We have a few suggestions that may help you in regards to this matter:
1. You cannot part with your gown: Then it is very important that you take the proper steps immediately to preserve your gown. If you have your gown properly cleaned and preserved it will protect your gown from yellowing, creasing, molding or mildewing, light and dust.
Some of the top Bridal Shops may offer preservation packages but, if not there are a few companies such as WedClean- They will send you a postage paid box for you to pack your gown in and ship it to them. Don't panic! In two weeks your gown will be returned to you cleaned and preserved in its very own storage chest. You can keep it to either pass down to your daughter or just keep it and put it in your chest of Memories.
2. Remaking It: You want to make more practical use out of it, think about special ways to use parts of your gown so that the memories of your special day becomes memories for years such as:
* You may want to use the satin from the train of your gown for edging a babies blanket.

* Take the tulle to make sachets for potpourri to place in your draws or hang in your closets
* Something special that one bride did with her wedding gown was she took the gown to a seamstress and had them make a Christening outfit made for her god child and its good for a boy or girl

* You can keep the bodice of the gown and have a shorter skirt attached to it to wear maybe for your 1st anniversary or some other special occasion
3. Donate: You can donate your gown to an organization that helps brides-to-be that may not have the finances to purchase a gown as lovely as yours or you can donate your gown to the organization Making Memories (www.makingmemories.org). This organization supports Breast Cancer Foundations they host a Brides Against Breast Cancer event. They do a Nationwide Tour of gowns, and the donations they receive are used to grant final wishes for men and women suffering from terminal breast cancer.
These are just a few suggestions and whatever you choose to do with your wedding gown make sure that you keep the memories of your wedding day and don't feel pressured that you must give away your most wonderful wedding gown.
LaPaz Image/Event Consultants
Where everything is Fabulous!
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