We're about to tell you something that you need to remember all the way through the process of planning, rehearsal and wedding day!! First and foremost, step back and take a breath and always remember to breathe!! Take plenty of time for yourself throughout the process and try some of our helpful little tips to keep you from looking like one of the episodes on WeTV's "Bridezilla"! We have seven tips, we are going to give you to avoid burning out, blowing up and ruining relationships with family and friends:
Helpful Tips and Instructions:
1. Pace Yourself: You want the fabulous over the top fairytale wedding with many details. Do Not expect to pull it off in just a few months or a few weeks, something like this takes time to plan. Give yourself adequate time to research locations, because depending on the time of your wedding it may be hard to find a Banquet Hall to accommodate the large number of guest, you must count the cost and set a realistic budget.
2. Make a Budget: Making a realistic budget is very important and don't take on the feeling that it is YOUR wedding, its also your husband-to-be's wedding as well and he will be helping to foot some of the expenses. Make sure once you set your budget you stick with your budget, you don't want to have an issue of going so far over the budget that now it puts you both into financial difficulties. Yes it is going to be one of the most memorable days of the couples lives but, remember it is just one day and life continues after the I do's. You don't want to enter into your marriage in debt from your wedding day.
3. Create List: If you're a list person already then you are going to be a step ahead of most, but if you aren't start now!! You need a list for all of your vendors and task that you believe have to be accomplished. If you have your Maid-of-honor who is willing to help you make sure you all compare the list and things that are priority are taken care of first and always be grateful for the help. Have specific time-lines for things and don't come unglued when somethings aren't completed because time and unforeseen obstacles can come up.
4. Delegate: If you can delegate some of the task and little jobs do so, but DO NOT MICROMANAGE, the person that is willing and capable of handling the task. If you ask you mother to help with the seating arrangements don't step in and take over, allow her time to figure out who needs to be where and be willing to hear suggestions even if you aren't going to use them.
5. Over Talking the Wedding: We say this for our Brides-to-be with much love. We know you're excited and you love everything about thinking about the big day, but for the sake of your relationship with your fiance, don't keep talking about the wedding!! You had real conversations prior to getting engaged and he loved just talking to you about your day, do not bombard the poor man or woman with wedding talk, books, napkins, colors, shoes, locations, number of guest, who's the bestman, where will we go for our honeymoon... Are you getting the point? It becomes overwhelming and it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, it means be balanced.
6. Remember: Remember why you wanted to marry him/her, remember to be considerate of each other, remember this is just one day to the rest of your lives, remember your friends stood by you before you met princess or prince charming, remember that he/she loves YOU!!
7. Mistakes: Mistakes happen and its not going to be perfect no matter how hard you plan. Its okay, don't freak out, don't start screaming or just loosing your cool. Take a moment to step back and look at the situation and you will see its not as big and even if it is you will keep a cool mind and heart to deal with it correctly.
Finale tips and thoughts:
* Ask for help: You are just one person and no-one thinks you have an "S" on your chest.
*Use List: They will help you keep track of things and remind you what you still need to accomplish
*Time out: Take a moment for you and your husband-to-be, don't plan or be in wedding mode every-day upon the day
*Remember: Remember why your getting married and what you love about each other
*Budget: Set a realistic budget and stick with it
*Fun: Enjoy your special day with all of your family, friends and guest
If you try to keep in mind some of these little tips, the process of planning your wedding and the wedding day will be filled with joy, laughter and love!
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LaPaz Image/Event Consultants-Bridal Edition
Where everything is Fabulous!
Article by: LaPaz Image/Event Consultants
This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of Lapazimageing.blogspot.com ©2011. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.
This is a GREAT article! Too often brides set themselves up for the "bridezilla" moment, and don't realize it. This is a MUST READ for all brides!
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